Our Team - Greenwith

Director Northgate/Greenwith Day Care


Lidia Turek

Lidia has more than 25 years experience as a diploma qualified Educator working within the Education and Care profession.

Working with us at our Greenwith Centre since 1996, Lidia's Professionalism, knowledge and caring nature enables her to provide enriching experiences for the children which in turn enhances their growth and development to be at their best.

When Elizabeth stepped up into the role of Director, Lidia's support and mentoring of other Educators, experience across the Centre, relationships with families and her larger than life personality assured us that she would be perfect for this role.

LIdia is always willing to speak with families regarding their children and can often be found in the rooms interacting with the children.

Assistant Director Northgate/Greenwith Day Care

Assistant Director

Nicole Jones

Nicole has been an Educator at Greenwith Early Learning & Kindergarten for seventeen years and is Diploma Qualified.

During this time she has had the opportunity to move around the Centre, working in all of the rooms and being Team Co-ordinator in the baby and toddler rooms. Nicole’s passion for the care and education of children shines through with her interaction and relationships with both children and families.

Operations Manager Northgate/Greenwith Day Care

Operations Manager

Eleni Foster

Eleni is a member of the family business and began her administrative career at Northgate Early Learning and Kindergarten since its inception in 2003. She travels between both Centres and provides management and support to our six office administration staff. Eleni ensures that the Centres are efficiently run in their day to day operations and is instrumental in implementing state of the art technology to ensure the Centres are children and family friendly and compliant with the Child Care Subsidy System.

Eleni is also responsible for the integrity of the buildings of both Centres and ensures the strict maintenance schedule is adhered to at all times. This acts to maintain the continual safety of all who enter the premises.

Both the Northgate and Greenwith Services offer a unique brand of Child Care. Eleni, Liz and Jackie work closely together at both Centres to ensure this brand is consistent at both Centres and principals and philosophies are constantly upheld to maintain the point of difference from neighbouring Centres.


Skye Crowhurst, Samantha Snaith & Anita Blackmore

The office and reception staff attend to the administrative needs of the Centre and work closely with Management. They meet and greet our families and are happy to help parents and carers in any way they can. All staff have been proficiently trained with the Child Care Subsidy System and can always provide helpful advice on government entitlements and out of pocket expenses.



"We acknowledge that we are gathered here today on the land of the Kaurna People. We would like to pay our respects to the elders who hold such a deep connection to this land, it's waterways and creatures, it's history and it's future."